The Movement for All (M4A) Lab focuses on three areas…

1) Implementing experiential learning opportunities in community-based exercise settings
With our community partners, we are developing experiential learning opportunities for students and community members with disability to learn reciprocally from one another. The long-term aims are 1) for students to leave these learning opportunities with the confidence and competence to promote and prescribe physical activity for people with disabilities and 2) to offer enhanced physical activity prescription and counselling services for members of the disability community.
Relevant Projects
Co-developing a Work-Integrated Learning Course in Physical Activity Prescription and Counselling
Using an integrated knowledge translation approach, we are developing and evaluating a hands-on course that supports students to promote and prescribe physical activity with people with spinal cord injury and multiple sclerosis at the Yuel Family Physical Activity Research Centre.
Cao, K., Ma, J.K., Abe, C., Zelatelj, M., Walkes, M., Skeats, B., Hunt, L. (2023). Developing and Piloting a Process Model for Work-Integrated Learning Course Co-Development. Manuscript in progress.
Student-Led Training in Disability and Physical Activity for UBC Active Kids
As part of KIN 341, students develop a training tailored for UBC Active Kids to work with children with physical disabilities in physical activity settings. One group is selected to work with Active Kids and the faculty supervisor to deliver their work in an annual training to Active Kids Staff.

2) Co-developing knowledge translation tools to promote and prescribe physical activity across diverse populations
In collaboration with community, healthcare, industry, and academic partners, we develop trainings, tools, and interventions that are designed to support people with chronic disease and disability to be physically active.
Relevant Publications
FUNtervals: 4-minute high intensity interval exercise stories for children
Ma, J.K., Sures, S.L., and Gurd, B.J. (2014). FUNtervals: Fit Breaks in Fewer than Five. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation and Dance, 86(8):50-52.
Ma, J.K., Le Mare, L., and Gurd, B.J. (2014). 4 minutes of in-class high intensity interval activity improves selective attention in 9-11 year olds. Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism, 40(3): 238-244.
Ma, J.K., Le Mare, L., and Gurd, B.J. (2014) Classroom based high-intensity interval activity improves off-task behaviour in primary school students. Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism, 39(12): 1332-1337.
Resistance Exercise Initiative Toolkit: Strength training prescription guide for physiotherapists treating older adults in-hospital
Chan, A., Hoens, A.M., Singh, C.A., Elashi, M., Gerevas, K., Idle, M., Lundie, J., Urbina, M., Pace, A., Ma, J.K. (2022). Current practice and barriers to physiotherapists’ use of resistance exercise for older adults in acute care. Physiotherapy Canada.
ProACTIVE SCI Toolkit: Physical activity counselling guide for physiotherapists and peers with spinal cord injury
Ma, J.K., Walden, K., McBride, C.B., Le Cornu Levett, C., Colistro, R., Plashkes, T., Thorson, T., Shu, H., Martin Ginis, K.A. (2021). Implementation of the spinal cord injury exercise guidelines in the hospital and community settings: Protocol for a type II hybrid trial. Spinal Cord, 60: 53-57.
Ma, J.K., Cheifetz, O., Todd, K.R., Chebaro, C., Phang, S.H., Shaw., R.B., Whaley, K.J., and Martin Ginis, K.A. (2020). Co-development of a physiotherapist-delivered physical activity intervention for adults with spinal cord injury. Spinal Cord.
Ma, J.K., West, C.R., Martin Ginis, K.A. (2019) The effects of a patient and provider co-developed, behavioural physical activity intervention on physical activity, psychosocial predictors, and fitness in individuals with spinal cord injury: A randomized controlled trial. Sports Medicine, 49(7): 1117-1131.

3) Advancing the methodology and practice of physical activity counselling and tailoring
We examine and synthesize strategies for moving beyond the ‘one size fits all’ approach to better understand how we can individualize interventions to support people to be physically active.
Relevant Publications
Ma, J.K., Ramachandran, S., Sandhu, A., Tsui, K., Hoens, A.M., Hu, D.L.K., Li, L.C. Tailored interventions for supporting physical activity participation in people with arthritis: A systematic review. Accepted at Current Treatment Options in Rheumatology.
Ma, J.K., Floegel, T., Li, L.C., Leese, J., De Vera, M.A., Beauchamp, M.R., Taunton, J., Liu-Ambrose, T., Allen, K.D. (2021). Tailored physical activity behaviour change interventions: Challenges and opportunities. Translation Behavioural Medicine, 11: 2174-2181.
Tomasone, J.R., Ma, J.K., Sweet, S.N., Donkers, S.J., Cao, P., McIntyre, A., Martin Ginis, K.A. (2022). Physical activity following spinal cord injury. Spinal Cord Injury Research Evidence: Professional.
Ma, J.K., Leese, J.L., Therrien, S., Hoens, A.M., Tsui, K., Li, L.C. (2022). A scoping review of strength training behaviour change interventions. PLOS One, 17 (2).
*Ma, J.K., *Ramachandran, S.O., Hoens, A.M., McQuitty, S., Sequeira, L., Collins, J.A., Tsui, K., Davidson, E., Jiwa, S., Koehn, C., Li, L.C. (2021). Co-developing strength training behaviour change interventions for people with rheumatoid arthritis. In: McCutcheon C, Reszel J, Kothari A, Graham ID, editors. How We Work Together: The Integrated Knowledge Translation Research Network Casebook. Volume 4. Ottawa, ON: Integrated Knowledge Translation Research Network. 2021; 20-25. Available from: (*Contributed as co-first authors)
Ma, J.K., and Martin Ginis, K.A. (2018). A meta-analysis of physical activity interventions in people with physical disabilities: Content, characteristics, and effects on behaviour. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 37: 262-273.
Williams, T.L., Ma, J.K., Martin Ginis, K.A. (2017). Participant experiences and perceptions of physical activity-enhancing interventions for people with physical impairments and mobility limitations: A meta-synthesis of qualitative research evidence. Health Psychology Review, 11(2):179-196.
Martin Ginis, K.A., Ma, J.K., Rimmer J.H., Latimer-Cheung, A.E. (2016). A systematic review of review articles addressing factors related to physical activity participation among children and adults with physical disability. Health Psychology Review, 10(4):478-494.