ProACTIVE SCI Physical Activity Counselling Education Toolkit

The ProACTIVE SCI Toolkit is designed to help practitioners and clients with spinal cord injury (SCI) work together to become more physically active. It’s a step-by-step resource that uses three overarching strategies including education, referral, and exercise prescription to tailor physical activity solutions for clients with SCI.

ProACTIVE SCI Physical Activity Counselling Form

The ProACTIVE SCI physical activity counselling form will guide you through important the important topics to discuss in supporting a more physically active lifestyle. This form is currently used in BC’s largest rehabilitation centre (GF Strong Hospital) and BC’s provincial SCI advocacy organization (SCI BC).​

Healthcare Provider

Physical Activity Counselling Form

Health Provider ProACTIVE Border

Click here to download the word version.

Click here to download the pdf version.

Peer Coach

Physical Activity Counselling Form

Peer Coach ProACTIVE Border

Click here to download the word version.

Click here to download the pdf version.

Here’s a sample video of a physical activity counselling conversation

Best Practices for SCI Physical Activity Counselling

An international expert panel, including SCI researchers, counsellors, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, recreation therapists, personal trainers, inclusive educational experts, and people with SCI co-developed best practices and online modules for providing physical activity counselling tailored for people with SCI. These resources help to tie together the ‘what’ with the ‘how’ we deliver physical activity counselling (i.e., from knowing to doing).

You can access an overview of the best practices for SCI physical activity counselling available in English, Dutch, and French.

You can access the online modules here or visit the SCI Action Canada Lab.

SCI Physical Activity Counselling


Femke Hoekstra*, Heather L. Gainforth*, Kathleen A. Martin Ginis*, Rogier Broeksteeg, Stephanie Corras, Delaney Collins, Electra Eleftheriadou, Sonja Gaudet, Emily E. Giroux, Shannon McCallum, Jasmin K. Ma, Erica de Passillé, Diane Rakiecki, Shannon Rockall, Rita van den Berg-Emons, Anniek van Vilsteren, Megan Williamson, & Jereme Wilroy.

*Project Leads

Here’s a sample training we’ve delivered for peer coaches

Support for improving physical activity

  • Olsen, K., Martin Ginis, K. A., Lawrason, S., McBride, C. B., Walden, K., Le Cornu Levett, C., Colistro, R., Plashkes, T., Bass, A., Thorson, T., Clarkson, R., Bitz, R., & Ma, J. K. (2023). Assessing the reach, effectiveness, adoption, implementation and maintenance of the ProACTIVE SCI intervention during the transition from rehabilitation to community. Frontiers in Neurology, 14. 
  • Ma, J.K., West, C.R., Martin Ginis, K.A. (2019) The effects of a patient and provider co-developed, behavioural physical activity intervention on physical activity, psychosocial predictors, and fitness in individuals with spinal cord injury: A randomized controlled trial. Sports Medicine. 49(7), 1117-1131. 
  • Williams, A.M., Ma, J.K., Martin Ginis, K.A., West, C.R. (2021). Effects of a tailored physical activity intervention on cardiovascular structure and function in individuals with spinal cord injury. Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair. 35(8), 692-703. 


  • Ma, J.K., Walden, K., McBride, C.B., Le Cornu Levett, C., Colistro, R., Plashkes, T., Thorson, T., Shu, H., Martin Ginis, K.A. (2021). Implementation of the spinal cord injury exercise guidelines in the hospital and community settings: Protocol for a type II hybrid trial. Spinal Cord. 60(1), 53-57.    
  • Ma, J.K., Cheifetz, O., Todd, K.R., Chebaro, C., Phang, S.H., Shaw., R.B., Whaley, K.J., and Martin Ginis, K.A. (2020). Co-development of a physiotherapist-delivered physical activity intervention for adults with spinal cord injury. Spinal Cord. 58(7), 778-786. 

Physical Activity Guidelines for Adults with Spinal Cord Injury

The guidelines have been developed by an international group of SCI scientists, people living with SCI, clinicians, and representatives from SCI organizations. These physical activity guidelines are based on the best scientific evidence available.

Click here to learn more about the physical activity guidelines for adults with spinal cord injury or visit the SCI Action Canada Lab!

If you’d like to receive training materials and discuss how to implement the ProACTIVE SCI physical activity counselling in your setting, please contact Dr. Jasmin Ma at​